What's New: A new face of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange

09/02/2024 16:03
The Ljubljana Stock Exchange is pleased to announce that as of 1 September 2024, Mr Marko Bombač, an experienced and renowned expert in the field of financial markets and risk management, will take over the position of President of the Management Board.

Mr Bombač started his career as a financial analyst at Factor Bank, then joined NLB Funds, where he successfully held various positions, including Head of Research, for more than a decade. Since 2020, he has held the position of Director of Risk Management at the Bank of Slovenia.
His expertise and experience in various areas of the financial sector were key to his appointment to head the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, where his task will be focused on the further development and competitiveness of the capital market in Slovenia and on strengthening the international visibility and reputation of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange.

We are confident that Mr Bombač, with his extensive experience, in-depth knowledge of the financial markets and strategic vision, will make a significant contribution to the success and development of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange.

Mr. Marko Bombač, welcome to the Stock Exchange!