Become Exchange Member: How to become a member firm?

The membership admission process is simple and brief.

  • Membership Requirements
  • A member of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange can be:
    • a brokerage company,
    • an investment firm,
    • a bank, or
    • a special financial institution that meets the requirements in accordance with the Market in Financial Instruments Act (ZTFI-1) and the Exchange Rules.
    If you wish to become a member of the exchange, you must meet the following conditions:
    • Organizational:
      • You must obtain permission from the Securities Market Agency (ATVP) to provide investment services and activities if you are a brokerage company; or permission from the Bank of Slovenia if you are a bank.
      • A brokerage company must be organized in the legal form of a joint-stock company, a European joint-stock company, or a limited liability company.
      • In the case of a two-tier management system, the board of directors of the brokerage company must consist of two members with the appropriate professional education and experience required to manage the company's affairs. In the case of a one-tier management system, the board of directors must include at least two executive directors.
      • You must have the appropriate minimum capital (the minimum amount is 730,000 EUR; ZTFI also provides for lower amounts under special rules regarding the basic capital of a brokerage company).
    • Technical:
      • You must have an information system that allows the use of the stock exchange trading system with the appropriate connection. Access to the trading system is provided either through a trading station or through an appropriate electronic interface.
    • Personnel:
      • You must employ at least one stock exchange trader who will carry out the transactions covered by investment services for the clients of the exchange member.
    • Settlement of Transactions:
      • You must meet the conditions for settling obligations arising from transactions concluded on the organized market in one of the following ways:
        • Through membership in a settlement system that performs settlement for concluded exchange transactions; or
        • Through an agreement with a settlement member through whom settlement of concluded exchange transactions will be ensured on behalf of that exchange member.
  • Application for Membership
  • To obtain the status of an exchange member, you must submit a completed application for membership to the exchange using the following form (Form 01/MT):
    To meet the membership requirements, you must provide the following evidence of meeting the conditions for admission:
    • An excerpt from the commercial register, where the applicant is registered as a legal entity, including the latest changes.
    • A copy of the decision or authorization from the relevant supervisory authority for the provision of investment services (only if the applicant seeks to obtain unlimited rights to conclude transactions).
    • A resolution on admission to membership in the Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD) or, if the prospective member will not be a KDD member, a contract with the KDD member through whom the fulfilment of obligations from concluded transactions on the organized market will be ensured.
  • Admission to Membership
  • A legal entity that has submitted an application for admission to membership and meets the organizational requirements will be admitted to membership by the exchange through the signing of a Membership Agreement.
  • Admission to Trading
  • An exchange member must, within three months of signing the Membership Agreement, fulfil the technical, personnel, and settlement conditions and submit a completed questionnaire for the due diligence review of a new member (Form 09/MT):
    An exchange member who meets all the trading requirements will be admitted to trading by the exchange through the issuance of a Resolution on the Inclusion of the Exchange Member in Trading and the provision and activation of an identification code for access to the exchange trading system.
  • Costs
  • Exchange members must cover the following costs (excluding VAT):
    • Admission Fees (one-time costs):
      • Admission of exchange member: EUR 605.00
      • Admission of exchange trader: EUR 121.00
    • Membership Fee (annual cost): EUR 4,840.00 (new members are entitled to a 100% discount on the membership fee for the first 12 months - PROMOTION)
    • Transaction Fees (monthly costs):
      • These depends on the fee model chosen by the member: 
        Instrument type

        Minimum Monthly Commission Amount
        Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
        EUR 1,210.00 EUR 6,050.00 EUR 12,100.00 EUR 18,150.00
        Commision   Stocks 0.08 % 0.07 % 0.06 % 0.05 %
        Bonds 0.035 % 0.03 % 0.025 % 0.02 %
        Short-term instr. 0.02 % 0.02 % 0.02 % 0.02 %
        ETFs 0.08 % 0.07 % 0.06 % 0.05 %
        Minimum 1.65 EUR 1.55 EUR 1.45 EUR 1.30 EUR
        Maximum 363.00 EUR
        363.00 EUR
        363.00 EUR
        363.00 EUR
      • PROMOTION: All new members who choose Class 1 are exempt from paying the flat fee (minimum monthly commission amount) for the first 12 months. They have only to pay commissions on executed transactions.
      • Commission fees for executing a block trade on the buy or sell side of the transaction is:
        • Stocks and ETFs: 0.04% of the transaction value, up to a maximum of EUR 726.00.
        • Bonds: 0.03% of the transaction value, up to a maximum of EUR 726.00.
        • Commercial papers and treasury bills: 0.02% of the transaction value, up to a maximum of EUR 726.00.
      • Transaction cancellation fee: EUR 17.00 per transaction, paid by the initiator.
    • Other Costs:
      • Costs related to physical connection to the Xetra T7® trading system depend on the options offered by the selected technical connectivity service provider.
      • Costs related to the provision of settlement services depend on the selected settlement service solution.
    The above promotions allow the member to avoid membership fees and minimum monthly commission amounts for the first 12 months. During this period, the member only pays transaction fees.