Trading: Trading Methods

The Ljubljana Stock Exchange trading system supports the following trading methods:​

  1. Continuous trading
  2. Auction trading
The Continuous trading method is intended for more liquid instruments, while less liquid are traded in the Auction trading method.

Classification of Instruments into Trading Methods

The Ljubljana Stock Exchange classifies instruments into trading methods once a year based on the revision of compliance with liquidity criteria; these are the average daily number of transactions and the average value of the daily turnover.
Continuous trading always involves Exchange Traded Funds, Investment Funds Shares, Certificates, instruments with a liquidity provider and all debt instruments.
The classification of all other instruments depends on their meeting of the liquidity criteria. Instruments with an average (in the revision period) of at least 1 transaction per day and at least 1,000.00 EUR of daily turnover are traded in the Continuous trading method. All other instruments are considered less liquid and are traded in the Auction trading method.
Classification of all instruments, valid from April (current year) until March (next year), is published at the end of March every year (current year).

 Classification of All Instruments Into Trading Methods and other Data 2024 (valid from 1/4/2024 to 31/3/2025 for equity instruments; valid from 1/6/2024 to 31/5/2025 for debt instruments)