General information: |
Company name: | Ljubljanska borza, d. d., Ljubljana (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) |
Address: | Slovenska cesta 56 |
City: | Ljubljana |
Post number: | 1000 |
Established: | 26. December 1989 |
Share capital: | 1,400,893.01 EUR |
VAT number: | SI59780061 |
Identification number: | 5316081000 |
Register of companies held by: | District Court of Ljubljana |
Registry entry number: | 1/04218/00 |
Shareholders: | The only shareholder of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange is Zagreb Stock Exchange (Zagrebačka burza d.d., Ivana Lučića 2a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia) |
LEI code: | 74780000M03HFUUXFU21 |
No. of employees on 31. December 2024: | 13 |
President of the Management Board: | Marko Bombač, CFA, FRM |
Member of the Management Board: | Nina Vičar, MSc |
Customer support: | |
E-mail: | |
Telephone: | +386 1 471 0211 |
Fax: | +386 1 471 0213 |
Website: |, |
Annual report: | Annual Report 2023 |