Trading: Market Makers (Liquidity Providers)

Market making improves liquidity of financial instruments and helps building investor confidence in trading with instruments.
When being assigned a market maker, an instrument that would otherwise be traded in the Auction Trading Method is transferred to the Continuous Trading Method.
A market maker status can be acquired by any exchange member. A status of a market maker is assigned at an exchange member request based on prior fulfilment of the prescribed conditions.
Obligations, requirements and the criteria for granting market maker status and the process of this assignment are described in detail in the Instructions for Liquidity Providers.


New Liquidity Provider for debt security with code OZ21
Obligations for Market Makers - October 2024
New Liquidity Provider for debt security with code DZ112
Obligations for Market Makers - June 2024
New Liquidity Provider for debt securities with codes OZ20 and SZ143
New Liquidity Provider for POSR
Obligations for Market Makers - March 2024
New Liquidity Provider for debt securities with codes DZ107 and SZ141
New Liquidity Provider for debt security RS94
Market Making for new ETFs ICASH and ICBET
Renewal of Market Making for TLSG
Renewal of Market Making for KRKG and ZVTG
New Liquidity Provider for debt security RS93

