The Ljubljana Stock Exchange is calculating the SBITOP® stock index and in cooperation with the Zagreb Stock Exchange also the regional index ADRIAprime®.
Index values
- Stock Indices
SBITOP® is a price index and serves as the Slovene capital market benchmark index. It measures the performance of the most liquid and highly capitalized stocks on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange regular market. SBITOP contains 5 to 15 ordinary shares with a maximum weighting of individual shares limited to 30% and is determined in accordance with its free float market capitalisation. It’s calculated in Euro (EUR) and it’s distributed in real time. The Ljubljana Stock Exchange started calculating it on March 31st, 2006 with its starting value of 1,000 points.
SBITOP TR® is a total return index and serves as the Slovene capital market benchmark index. It measures the performance of the most liquid and highly capitalized stocks on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange regular market. SBITOP includes dividends in the calculation and contains 5 to 15 ordinary shares with a maximum weighting of individual shares limited to 30% and is determined in accordance with its free float market capitalisation. It’s calculated in Euro (EUR) and it’s distributed in real time. The Ljubljana Stock Exchange started calculating it on December 30th, 2020 with its starting value of 1,000 points.Index Symbol ISIN SBITOP® SBITOP SI0026109882 SBITOP TR® SBITR SI0028409892
- Regional Indices
- ADRIAprime® consists of shares listed on the prime markets of the Zagreb and Ljubljana Stock Exchanges. It is a Total Return Index which, in addition to the movement of share prices, takes into account also dividend yields. The weighting of each share is determined in accordance with its free float market capitalisation and is limited to 15%. It is calculated in Euro (EUR) and distributed in real time from June 19th, 2019. Its starting value was 1,000 points.
Benchmark Statement and Declaration of Conformity
The Ljubljana Stock Exchange is registered as an administrator of benchmark values in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 on indices used as benchmarks (BMR Regulation). The Ljubljana Stock Exchange currently provides SBITOP index, which represents a non-significant regulated-data benchmark. On this basis, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange publishes:
Index movement, its composition and other information is available in the trading data of SBITOP.