40th Financial Conference
On Tuesday, 9 and Wednesday, 10 May 2023, the 40th Financial Conference, co-organised by the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Times Finance, took place at the GH Bernardin.
As every year, the conference touched upon the most current and pressing topics in the Slovenian and wider financial environment, with eminent foreign and local experts speaking about the pitfalls and many financial opportunities.
On the first day, we opened the conference with a presentation by the outstanding speaker Trevor Williams, who gave his views on the investments of the future. We discussed inflation, the evolving outlook for Europe and our region in the light of geopolitical tensions, internal imbalances and climate change, the issue of taxation and the future potential for capital market development and evolution, the current challenges of managing a country's capital investments, the impact of automation on financial processes and trends in electronic payments. The roundtable discussed blue chip plans and whether banks are the big winners and what pitfalls lie ahead. We ended the day with a success story and a glass of wine.