Tuesday, 21 March 2023
Educational webinar "Let's go to the Stock Exchange and Save"
On Tuesday 21 March 2023, at 9.00 am (online), the Ljubljana Stock Exchange has hosted its traditional educational event for highschool and university students, this time called "Let's Go to the Stock Exchange & Save", as part of the Global Money Week. The event aims to promote financial literacy and raise awareness of the importance of saving and investing. The webinar provided participants with interesting and interactive presentations led by financial experts to learn the basics of stock trading and investing. We have presented the stock market from the perspective of investing and speculation, why we need the KDD and how to save for a better tomorrow. We also touched upon the hot and very topical world of crypto. During the webinar, we will also ran a prize game where we gave away 20 "Borza Slovenije" board games.
World Money Week with the slogan Learn.Save.Earn is an international project whose main aim is to promote financial literacy and awareness among young people from an early age, gradually building the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to make good financial decisions. This year's GMW theme "Plan your money, plant your future" encourages young people to be forward-looking in their financial decisions and to take a broad view of the environment and society.
Event programme:
9:00 Welcome and opening address - Karmen Pogorevc, Ljubljana Stock Exchange
9:05 Stock Exchange as a place for investing and speculating - Andraž Aš, Ljubljana Stock Exchange
9:30 The role of the KDD in the securities market, Vid Slamič, KDD
10:00 Saving Today for a Better Tomorrow: Investing in Mutual Funds, Vid Pajić, Triglav Funds
10:45 ABC of stock market trading, Alex Engelman, Ilirika
11:05 How to enter the crypto world? How to get started in the crypto market, Domen Kregar, Ilirika Kripto Svet
11:25 Q&A
#PlanYourMoney #PlantYourFuture #GMW2023 #LearnSaveEarn
World Money Week with the slogan Learn.Save.Earn is an international project whose main aim is to promote financial literacy and awareness among young people from an early age, gradually building the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to make good financial decisions. This year's GMW theme "Plan your money, plant your future" encourages young people to be forward-looking in their financial decisions and to take a broad view of the environment and society.
Event programme:
9:00 Welcome and opening address - Karmen Pogorevc, Ljubljana Stock Exchange
9:05 Stock Exchange as a place for investing and speculating - Andraž Aš, Ljubljana Stock Exchange
9:30 The role of the KDD in the securities market, Vid Slamič, KDD
10:00 Saving Today for a Better Tomorrow: Investing in Mutual Funds, Vid Pajić, Triglav Funds
10:45 ABC of stock market trading, Alex Engelman, Ilirika
11:05 How to enter the crypto world? How to get started in the crypto market, Domen Kregar, Ilirika Kripto Svet
11:25 Q&A
#PlanYourMoney #PlantYourFuture #GMW2023 #LearnSaveEarn