Basic Info
- SI0028409892
- Symbol
- No. of Constituents
- 9
Index Type
Total return index, weighted with free-float market capitalisation that includes dividends.
- Last Change
- {{formatAsTimeOrDate(WebMarketData.update_time)}}
- Turnover
- {{formatNumeric(WebMarketData.turnover, 2)}} EUR
- Previous Close
- {{formatNumeric(WebMarketData.prev_close_value, numOfDecimals)}}
Last 52 weeks
- High Value
- {{formatNumeric(WebMarketData.high_52week_value, numOfDecimals)}}
- Low Value
- {{formatNumeric(WebMarketData.low_52week_value, numOfDecimals)}}
Slovene Total Return Blue Chip Index
- Launch Date
- 05/03/2021
- Base Date
- 12/30/2020
- Base Value
- 1,000.00
- Divisor
- 1,505,840.6156
- Calculation Frequency
- Real time
Composition Rules
- No. of Constituents
- 5 to 15 ordinary shares
- Inclusion Requirement
- Min. 50% of trading days with turnover, ranking according to the highest with respect to mean trading volume (block trades excluded) and free-float market capitalisation.
- Weight
- Free-float market capitalisation
- Max Weight
- 30 %
Quarterly - in February, May, August and November.
- Last revision date
- 09/20/2024
Symbol | ISIN | Issuer | Number of Shares | Free Float faktor | Representation Factor | Last Price | Free Float Market Cap. | Weight |
- Symbol
- Last Price
- 05/03/2021 10:10:13
- 05/03/2021 10:04:40
- 09/19/2024 14:43:09
- The bi-annually review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 06/20/2024 11:18:07
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 04/16/2024 11:21:12
- The bi-annually review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 12/15/2023 13:50:47
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 09/15/2023 10:38:53
- The bi-annually review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 08/11/2023 15:38:14
- Publication of the Watch list and Free-float factors of the SBITOP and SBITR
- 06/15/2023 12:34:34
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 03/16/2023 11:48:21
- The bi-annually review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 12/28/2022 15:43:54
- The special review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 12/15/2022 12:35:09
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 11/10/2022 16:14:35
- Publication of the Watch list and Free-float factors of the SBITOP and SBITR
- 09/15/2022 13:41:49
- The bi-annually review of index composition and calculation of the SBITOP and SBITR indices
- 08/12/2022 11:07:44
- Publication of the Watch list and Free-float factors
- 08/10/2022 13:57:06
- The special review of parameters of SBITOP and SBITOP TR index
- 06/16/2022 11:23:01
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP index
- 02/25/2022 13:43:53
- Special index review and new index composition of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange
- 12/16/2021 09:40:28
- The quarterly index review of calculation parameters of the SBITOP index
- 05/03/2021 10:14:01
- Ljubljana Stock Exchange introduces the new Slovene Total Return Blue Chip Index