Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Ljubljana Stock Exchange Awards Ceremony
On Wednesday, November 30, as part of the "CEE Investment Opportunities" investment conference of the Ljubljana and Zagreb Stock Exchanges, which took place in the Grand Hotel Union, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange presented awards to 5 companies that were the best in their categories.The SI ENTER Market Share of the Year award went to the EPRG share of Elektro Primorska, d.d., which earned first place mainly due to the increase in turnover and the number of trading days.
The Standard Market Share of the Year award went to EQNX share of Equinox d.d., which stood out in terms of volume of turnover and number of trading days.
The Prime Market Share of the Year award went to PETG share of Petrol d.d., which won the advantage mainly due to the increase in turnover.
The award for the Member of the year 2022 went to InterCapital Securities, which has been recording the highest turnover for years, and is also performing the duties of liquidity provider and is active in market promotion.
The award for the best investor relations went to NLB, d.d., which, in addition to consistent financial reporting, was also rated the best by financial companies and the media in the field of investor relations.
Congratulations to the winners!